Adv Lucy Lu header image

Come read and see the adventures of the cutest button nose Basset Hound you'll ever meet.

Guess What??? I'm in training to become a Therapy Doggie. Because I want to go to Childerans hospitals and see boys and girls.
And to Veteran's hospitals/homes to see our bare solders. Wish me luck becuase my Daddy says I need a lot of discipline.

Aboutus: Lucy Lu

Lucy Lu puppy

Hello :
My name is Lucy Lu Rogers. I have a cute black button nose and black hears of fur on my sides. I love to run with my Momma. I can run 3 miles every time we go for a run. I keep my nose to the ground and I am always smelling for something to eat.  I like to go out with my Momma and Daddy to visit lots of boys and girls and their parents. I am always looking for mischief to get into. I enjoy going shopping with my Momma for new clothes to wear. You can say that I am a girlie girl. My favorite colors are pink and purple. I can do tricks to, such as sit, shake, lay down and roll over. I had my Momma write this book because part of the money we raise will go to help other doggies and kitties in no kill shelters. Thanks for visiting my page and please keep checking back for  new updates. Please make sure you register so we can notify you of any updates.

Love and doggie kisses,
your new best friend,