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Come read and see the adventures of the cutest button nose Basset Hound you'll ever meet.

Guess What??? I'm in training to become a Therapy Doggie. Because I want to go to Childerans hospitals and see boys and girls.
And to Veteran's hospitals/homes to see our bare solders. Wish me luck becuase my Daddy says I need a lot of discipline.

Aboutus: Maxwel

Maxwell on couch

Maxwell Andre Rogers is my friend & playmate.
 Momma, Daddy and I rescued him when he was about a year old. He came from a home where his Momma and Daddy were not very nice. He was not being taken care of and he was to thin. We took him home and fattened him up and now he is 65 pounds of love. We give him lots of love and when Momma and Daddy are working I get to have a playmate to play with. We call him Boo Boo Bear because he now looks like a cute cuddly teddy bear. He follows us around and I have taught him how to sleep on the big bed with Momma and Daddy, although he has a doggie bed of his own. Boo Boo Bear loves to chase and play with me around the house. We put on a show for Momma and Daddy every night.

Please don't forget to register,
Hugs and doggie kisses,

Love Lucy Lu for Max (Boo Boo Bear)